Ngā Kaiwhakawhānau Māori
Māori Midwives
Click on a photograph for more information
This directory of Māori midwives and Māori artists living and practising in Te Waipounamu who have an interest in creation, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and hauora Māori. This directory is free and optional.
This website will be promoted amongst the Māori midwives, their clients who are whānau Māori, hauora Māori services and hāpori Māori. How it will work is that whānau who see the directory via the website will see your details and then approach you independently. Kalese Phillips is the website directory liason wahine toa and you can connect with her directly to include your contact details, facebook, website, bio and photo. If you need to do further updating Kalese is your contact person for this. Your details will be placed under the rohe you are living in and alongside any other Māori artist in your area. You can outline your mahi, mahi interests and whether you can be approached by people living outside of your takiwā (area). Any payment details for your service/product/art is between yourself and the person contacting you via the directory.
Ngā Ringa Āwhina
Click on a photograph for more information