Jacqueline Martin
Jacqueline Martin
Ko Raukawa, Ko Waikato, Ko Tauranga Moana ōku iwi
Rohe: Ōtautahi
Phone: 021642116
Email: Jacqueline.Martin@ara.ac.nz
Taku Kōrero, Taku Mahi::
Tēnā koutou,
I am a Tāpuhi LMC. What does that mean? It
captures the knowledge I was a Pākehā educated
midwife who happened to be Māori. I reclaimed both
my cultural identity as a wāhine of Raukawa, Waikato
and Tauranga Moana and my professional stance, as
a registered midwife. In essence, I reclaimed my
identity and now I stand firmly in both worlds.
I have been a midwife for 20 years and left the clinical
floor in January 2022, to embark on helping transform
the midwifery profession of New Zealand. It was my
promise to give back to the midwifery profession by
guiding midwifery students 2022 and beyond, towards
achieving their desire to become midwives. I
relocated to Ōtautahi to take up a position as a
Kaiako Midwifery at the Ara Institute of Canterbury. It
is my time to give back.