Tamariki Ora - Arai Te Uru
Tamariki Ora - Arai Te Uru
Rohe: Otakou
Phone: 03 471 9960
Email: reception@araiteuru.co.nz
Website: https://www.araiteuru.co.nz/contact
Taku Kōrero, Taku Mahi::
Tamariki Ora is a well child service, everyone is entitled to well child visits for their pepi and tamariki from 6 weeks until 5 years of age. This is a free service. At these appointments a well child nurse monitors the growth of pepi/ tamariki, provides health education, Kaiawhina support as well as breastfeeding advice and support. They can also make referrals to other support agencies when needed. This is an alternative to Plunket. If you are interested in our service please get you midwife or health provider to fill in the referral form on our website.