What is mana motuhake?
Tēnā koutou,
Ko Jay Waretini-Beaumont toku ingoa. He wahine, he mama, he tauira, he kaiwhakawhanau.
I originally wrote this piece as an academic blog as part of a learning journey at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha UC. This blog focuses on mana motuhake, myself and Māori midwifery and I have adapted it in hopes it provokes thought.
Mana motuhake is one of those whakaaro Māori that have me feeling like I know exactly what it means while at the same time struggle to explain it beyond the commonly translated meaning of self-determination. Mana is a supernatural force within a human being. It is the essence of power, authority and control that we inherit at birth from our tupuna (“Mana,” n.d.). Where mana motuhake is expressed as mana that is through self-determination and control over one’s destiny (“Mana motuhake,” n.d.).
I think we have an important job ahead. It is my generations responsibility to advance mana motuhake for the next generation to come. Isn’t it? But how do we advance what we don’t know how to explain? How do we pursue mana motuhake and resurge it for the future without a tight grasp on what it is and how to nurture and grow it? I think this is where the responsibility of my generation to advance mana motuhake begins. Step one, define mana motuhake. Step two build theory around how to resurge it. Step three, spread the word, share our knowledge. Step four, watch this space……………..continued in full article. Click the link below.